New Ad Pushing National School Choice Legislation

With President Trump in the White House, school choice advocates are optimistic about securing passage of the Educational Choice for Children Act 

Nearly Three Quarters of Voters Favor School Choice; Higher Among Hispanic voters

WASHINGTON, DC – The Invest in Education Coalition (IIEC), a national organization dedicated to advancing school choice at the federal level, launched a new TV and digital ad as part of their campaign today in Washington, D.C.

The ad features testimony from Gabriela Escudero, a mother of four from Las Vegas, Nevada, who tried enrolling her children in public schools, but they were not getting the personalized education needed for them to succeed. Now, she is speaking up in support of school choice legislation like the Educational Choice for Children Act (ECCA), that would help open doors for families like hers.

“With the lack of funding and support, finding alternative options has been a challenge,” Escudero states in the ad running in Washington, D.C. on television and digital platforms. “Donald Trump is the school choice President, and that’s why I support him. I want Congress to help President Trump expand school choice to every state, and support families like mine.”

Invest in Education Coalition (IIEC) says the ad campaign is focused on educating Members of Congress on the ECCA, a federal tax credit scholarship bill that would help as many as two million students access a school or education service of their parents’ choice. Scholarships are funded with private donations, not federal money, and donors receive a federal tax credit. Students could use scholarships for tuition, tutoring to address learning loss, special needs services, or education technology.  

According to a recent survey of voters nationwide:

  • Nearly three quarters of voters favor school choice where parents are allowed to choose the public, private or technical trade school they send their children to.
  • By nearly a 2-to-1 margin, voters believe that parents should be in charge of deciding the best education for U.S. children as opposed to local school boards, teachers’ unions or government.
  • Seventy-two (72%) percent of Hispanic voters favor the ECCA.

School Choice champion President Trump recently stated in a post “I’ve made School Choice a priority of my Administration. We need School Choice passed in every State!” And when asked on Fox and Friends whether he would support the proposed ECCA, President-elect Trump said, “I would sign it. Anything to do with school choice, I’ll support.”

Anthony J. de Nicola, Chairman of Invest in Education Coalition, said of the ad launch:

“The ECCA would benefit parents and students in every community across all 50 states. Voters from every demographic across the country support school choice, and they voted for President Trump in large numbers because they want better educational options for their children. School choice is an issue that all Americans can get behind and we will keep fighting to spread awareness so that lawmakers can swiftly act in support of the ECCA, in turn giving our young people access to brighter futures.”

This ad is the latest in the campaign that started last month highlighting a mother named Diana Reyes – learn about her story here.

To learn more, please visit For more information on the Educational Choice for Children Act (ECCA), please click here.


About Invest in Education Coalition

Invest in Education Coalition is a 501(c)(4) organization that advocates at the federal level for legislation that will directly empower K-12 parents throughout the nation to choose the best school or education service for their children.  Invest in Education Coalition is the only national organization exclusively dedicated to advancing school choice at the federal level, working to make this goal a reality for children in all 50 states.  We believe that K-12 parents should have the power to choose the best educational options for their own children.  Simply put, parents should decide where their child’s education dollars are spent. To learn more, please visit  For more information on the Educational Choice for Children Act (ECCA), please click here.
