National School Choice Groups Says It Is Time for Congress to Pass the Educational Choice for Children Act

March 21, 2025

National School Choice Groups Says It is Time for Congress to Pass the Educational Choice for Children Act

WASHINGTON, DC – Invest in Education Coalition (IIEC), a national organization dedicated to advancing school choice at the federal level including the recently introduced Educational Choice for Children Act (ECCA), released the following statement following President Donald Trump’s latest executive order aimed at returning power over education to parents to improve educational outcomes.

As released by the White House, President Trump stated: “I want every parent in America to be empowered to send their child to public, private, charter, or faith-based school of their choice. The time for universal school choice has come. As we return education to the states, I will use every power I have to give parents this right.”

Statement From Anthony J. de Nicola, Chairman of Invest in Education Coalition:

“We applaud President Donald Trump for his dedication to expanding school choice across America. The core of today’s Executive Order, empowering parents as the first and primary educators for their children, aligns with the foundational principle of the school choice movement. The recent NAEP scores are alarming and demonstrate that we need to do better. Reforming our nation’s education system is essential for our future generations, and passing the Educational Choice for Children Act would be the first step toward empowering parents and putting kids first. This is common-sense legislation that will expand school choice to all 50 states and provide students with scholarships solely funded by private donations, not the federal government.

We urge members of Congress to respond to the President by passing this legislation to make school choice a reality for every child regardless of their zip code.” 


Polling: School choice is supported by a strong majority of Americans across ethnic, racial and political party lines, and is documented to improve learning outcomes for students both in private and public schools.

President Trump recently stated on Fox and Friends that he would sign the Educational Choice for Children Act stating “I would sign it. Anything to do with school choice, I’ll support.”

The recent Nation’s Report Card shows millions of children are attending schools that are producing declining outcomes in reading and mathematics.

The Educational Choice for Children Act (ECCA), new school choice legislation proposed by Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA) and Congressman Adrian Smith (R-NE-3), is a federal tax credit scholarship bill that would help as many as two million students access a school or education service of their parents’ choice.

The ECCA would enable scholarships to be funded with private donations, not federal money, and donors receive a federal tax credit. Students could use scholarships for tuition, tutoring to address learning loss, special needs services, or education technology.
