Top Running Mate Choices For Kamala Harris Would Be Bad News For School Choice

Governors Shapiro, Beshear and Cooper Strongly Oppose School Choice While Sending Their Children to Elite Private Schools

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Three of Vice President Kamala Harris’ top speculated choices for running mate in the upcoming presidential election – Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear and North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper – have been consistent opponents of expanding school choice.

Just last week, their presumptive Party nominee, Vice President Harris, took the stage to speak to members of the teachers’ union and refused to mention school choice.

Fox News Contributor Kellyanne Conway commented on the Vice President’s remarks: “She had a great opportunity today to be for school choice and charter schools and educational freedom and opportunity scholarships, it’s a civil rights issue of our time… but she’s playing for the teachers’ unions.”

Invest in Education Coalition, an organization advocating for universal school choice, says the education positions of Vice President Harris and her short list of potential running mates present a stark contrast to former President Donald Trump’s push for more schooling options for parents and students in all 50 states.

Anthony J. de Nicola, Chairman of Invest in Education Coalition, highlighted the hypocrisy of the governors, all of whom chose to send their children to private school.

“Democratic leaders’ opposition to empowering parents and giving children the opportunity to get the education of their choice is hypocritical at best. We need strong leaders who will fight to expand school choice so that every child, regardless of their ZIP code, has a chance at a great education. All parents deserve the same options that these governors decided were best for their own children.”

Invest in Education Coalition noted that Governor Shapiro ran on supporting school choice for low-income and working-class families in 2022, but says when given the chance to act on his promises, the governor flip-flopped and sold out to the teachers’ unions.

 The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board criticized Governor Shapiro’slack of support for school choice: “The Democratic Governor could have chosen to back a Republican Senate scholarship plan providing thousands of dollars for low-income students in poorly performing schools to attend private options. That would have put some action behind the lip service he’s given vouchers since his 2022 campaign. But last year he killed the vouchers to appease House Democrats, who oppose them, and this year he didn’t spend political capital to sway his fellow party members.”

Governor Andy Beshear, who proudly vetoed school choice, is working to defeat a constitutional amendment guaranteeing school choice from being included on the general election ballot. He said, “Public dollars should only go to public schools, period. I’m against this constitutional amendment. And if they pass it, I will work every day to defeat it at the ballot box in November.”

Governor Roy Cooper, a private school tuition payer himself, stated, “They [private schools] don’t have to tell taxpayers what they teach, how their students perform, which students they will reject or whether students even show up at all. That is a reckless, reckless waste of taxpayer money.”

Invest in Education Coalition will continue to support bold school choice legislation, particularly the Educational Choice for Children Act (ECCA), a bill that would provide K-12 scholarships for up to two million students across America to attend schools that best meet their educational needs.

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For more information on the Educational Choice for Children Act (ECCA), please click here.

About Invest in Education Coalition

Invest in Education Coalition is a 501(c)(4) organization that advocates at the federal level for legislation that will directly empower K-12 parents throughout the nation to choose the best school or education service for their children. Invest in Education Coalition is the only national organization exclusively dedicated to advancing school choice at the federal level, working to make this goal a reality for children in all 50 states. We believe that K-12 parents should have the power to choose the best educational options for their own children. Simply put, parents should decide where their child’s education dollars are spent. 
