Trump’s Right Hand: School Choice Champion

Former President Trump Taps School Choice Champion for Vice Presidential Nominee

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the Invest in Education Coalition, a national school choice advocacy organization, applauded Former President Donald Trump for announcing Senator J.D. Vance as his pick for Vice President. Senator Vance has been a staunch advocate for school choice in Ohio and in Washington, D.C. Like former President Trump, Senator Vance proudly supports educational freedom and stands with America’s K-12 parents and students.  

Senator Vance is a co-sponsor of the Educational Choice for Children Act (ECCA), which will directly empower K-12 parents of as many as two million students to choose the school or education service that works best for their children. Bold leaders like this Republican ticket will fight to expand educational freedom so that every child, regardless of their ZIP code, has a chance at a great education.  

In a recent interview in June, Senator Vance said: “School choice actually is necessary to give parents the ability to give their kids a good education,” while on a segment of Fox & Friends.

Angela Flood, President and CEO of Invest in Education Coalition, stated: “Nominating Senator Vance as a running mate shows a bold commitment to every American’s educational freedom. Parents should have the tools they need to make the right choices for their children’s future, and Senator Vance has championed this cause with his consistent support of the Educational Choice for Children Act. Bringing this issue into the national conversation responds decisively to the demands of America’s parents and will help give students the options they need to succeed.” 

Senator Vance has shown his commitment to expanding school choice with his co-sponsorship of the Educational Choice for Children Act as one of 31 Senate co-sponsors and 153 House co-sponsors in Congress. The ECCA would create a private funding stream for K-12 scholarships for as many as two million students across America to access the school or services, chosen by their parents, that best meet their educational needs. Learn more about Invest in Education Coalition and our efforts to expand school choice access nationwide here.

About Invest in Education Coalition

Invest in Education Coalition is a 501(c)(4) organization that advocates at the federal level for legislation that will directly empower K-12 parents throughout the nation to choose the best school or education service for their children. Invest in Education Coalition is the only national organization exclusively dedicated to advancing school choice at the federal level, working to make this goal a reality for children in all 50 states. We believe that K-12 parents should have the power to choose the best educational options for their own children. Simply put, parents should decide where their child’s education dollars are spent. 
